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Frank Lloyd Wright

Dana-Thomas Residence

301-327 East Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, IL | 1902

"The Dana residence, of cruciform plan, incorporates an earlier house into its Prairie style brick structure. It is the first example of Wright's work to feature a two-story-high living room. Sculptor Richard Bock and the Linden Glass Company, regular collaborators with Wright in this period, contributed to the design. Though the designs for details are abstract patterns, they derive largely from prairie sumac. The Lawrence Memorial Library is connected to the main structure by a raised walkway." [TAFW]

Online Springfield- The Dana-Thomas House

Ennis-Brown Residence

2607 Glendower Avenue, Los Angeles, CA | 1923

"The last of the four Los Angeles textile-block houses, the Ennis is the most monumental. Anywhere along Vermont Avenue, looking north, one sees it completing its ridge on the southern reaches of the Santa Monica Mountains. Its views are to both Griffith Park, on the north, and the Los Angeles metropolitan area, on the south. The textile block pattern is almost symmetrical about the diagonal of its square surface. While in the Freeman house blocks are paired, one mirroring the other, here they usually are given the same orientation, and in the Arizona Biltmore Hotel and Cottages the pattern is complete only when the blocks are paired. Lloyd Wright supervised construction, prepared the working drawings, and designed the landscaping." [TAFW]

Foothills- Ennis-Brown House- Hollywood Hills

"Falling Water" The Kaufmann Residence

Mill Run, Bear Run (Ohiopyle), PN | 1935

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"Aside from his own Taliesin Fellowship Complex, Wright had seen only two of his projects constructed over a period of almost eight years, from 1928 to 1935. Then, when the architect was sixty-nine, came Fallingwater, the Johnson Administration Building, and the Usonian home concept all in one year, and Wingspread a year later. Fallingwater is perhaps the best-known private home for someone not of royal blood in the history of the world. Perched over a waterfall deep in the Pennsylvania highlands, it seems part of the rock formations to which it clings. Reinforced-concrete cantilever slabs project from the rock band to carry the house over the stream. From the square living room, one can step directly down a suspended stairway to the stream. Immediately above, on the third level, terraces open from sleeping quarters, emphasizing the horizontal nature of the structural forms; "the apotheosis of the horizontal" it has been called and is one of seventeen buildings designed by Wright that has been designated by the AIA to be retained as an example of his architectural contribution to American culture. Three years separated design of the main house and the guesthouse. The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy conducts guided tours during most of the year, except the cold winter months; reservations are advised." [TAFW]

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

1071 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY | 1956

"The main gallery of the Guggenheim is a continuous spiraling inclined ramp in concrete. Wright intended this spiral incline to counteract the usual dominance of right-angled architecture over the flat plane of a picture. He alson intended visitors to take the elevator to the top of the spiral, then walk down to the ground floor. Overcoming the restrictions of the New York City building code took more time than design and construction, but the original design of 1943, labeled a "ziggurat", is still evident in the final plan. The museum is open daily and Sunday for a small admission charge. This structure has been designated by the American Institute of Architects as one of seventeen American buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright to be retained as an example of his architectural contribution to American culture." [TAFW]

The Guggenheim Museum
History of the Guggenheim Museum

"Hollyhock" - Aline Barnsdall Residence

4800 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA | 1917

"Commanding the western view as the major structure in Barnsdall Park, Hollyhock House, so named for its ornamental forms, suggests a Mayan temple. Its exposed poured-concrete structure was built about 1920. Earliest sketches of this building as it appears in constructed form may be dated as early as 1913. Hollyhock House was given to the city of Los Angeles in 1927. The Olive Hill Foundation - Barnsdall Park of today was the former Olive Hill - reconstructed the building in 1947. Then it became part of the Los Angeles Municipal Art Museum and, after early 1970s reconstruction, is now open to the public. The only other part of the Wright-designed Barnsdall Park complex that remains today, the Studio Residence A, reveals some imprint of R. M. Schindler, who supervised its construction, then went on to fame of his own in southern California. It is now used as a classroom-studio space by the Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department. Landscaping of Olive Hill was designed by Lloyd Wright, but it has been altered during various reconstructions and recent additions to the grounds. Hollyhock House has been designated by the AIA as one of seventeen American buildings designed by Wright to be retained as an example of his architectural contribution to American culture." [TAFW]

Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House

Imperial Hotel

Meiji Mura near Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture (Tokyo, Japan) | 1915

"Wright's major work in Japan, the Imperial Hotel made liberal use of soft lava, Oya stone. The hotel's floating foundation permitted it to survive, with little damage, the great earthquake of September 1, 1923. It was employed, and altered, by the American army following World War II. Apparently Wright was offered the opportunity to remodel the structure at this time but refused. As downtown-Tokyo land values rose, it became more feasible to tear down the building than to renovate it. Japan's tradition of beauty, however, would not allow the building to vanish completely; the entrance lobby was dismantled and taken to Nagoya. It was reconstructed on the western reaches of the Meiji-mura open-air architectural museum and opened to the public in March 1976." [TAFW]

Imperial Hotel

La Miniatura

La Miniatura

Lykes Residence

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Marin County Civic Center

Marin County Civic Center

Monona Terrace

Monona Terrace - Madison- Wisconsin

Price Tower

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Robie House

University of Chicago Alumni Gateway- Robie House

Storer Residence

Frank Lloyd Wright- Storer Residence

Taliesen West

ATE 452 - Taliesin Projects
Subject Page Romantic-Picturesque 48

Unity Church

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Unity Temple

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Wichita State

College of Education


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Copyright © 1995-2009 Frederick Clifford Gibson Architect & Associates
San Francisco, California - USA


OED Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press 1971

AHA A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals, Spiro Kostof, Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford, 1985
FCG Frederick Clifford Gibson, Architect
FWM1 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1887-1901, vol. 1, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM2 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1902-1906, vol. 2, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM3 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1907-1913, vol. 3, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM4 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1914-1923, vol. 4, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM5 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1924-1936, vol. 5, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM6 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1937-1941, vol. 6, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM7 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1942-1950, vol. 7, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM8 Frank Lloyd Wright: Monograph 1951-1959, vol. 8, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM9 Frank Lloyd Wright: Preliminary Studies 1889-1916, vol. 9, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM10 Frank Lloyd Wright: Preliminary Studies 1917-1932, vol. 10, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM11 Frank Lloyd Wright: Preliminary Studies 1933-1959, vol. 11, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
FWM12 Frank Lloyd Wright: In His Renderings 1887-1959, vol. 12, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, A.D.A. Edita, Tokyo Co., Ltd, 1985
MA Modern Architecture since 1900, William J R Curtis, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs (Phaidon Press Ltd., Oxford), New Jersey, 1982
OTAB On The Art of Building in Ten Books, Leon Battista Alberti, translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach, Robert Tavernor, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1472.
PGA Simon and Schuster's Pocket Guide to Architecture, Patrick Nuttgens, Simon and Schuster, New York, NY, 1980.
SCEA Santiago Calatrava, Engineering Architecture, Santiago Calatrava, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 1990.
SCCW Santiago Calatrava: Complete Works, Sergio Polano, Electa, Milan, 1996
TAFW The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog, William Allin Storrer, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA & London, England, 1982
TAI The Autobiography of an Idea, Louis H. Sullivan, Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1924.
TNH The Natural House, Frank Llyod Wright, New American Library, New York, 1970.
VTBA Vitruvius: The Ten Books on Architecture, Vitruvius, Morris Hicky Morgan, PH.D., LL.D. trans., Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1914

CWA The Complete Works of Aristotle (in two volumes), by Aristotle (Ed. Jonathan Barnes), Princeton / Bollingen Serries LXXI, 1984
ABW Basic Works of Aristotle, by Aristotle (Richard McKein), Random House, April 1941
A Aristotle, by John Hermann Randall, Jr., Columbia University Press, New York, 1960.
AP Aristotle: Poetics, with the Tracatus Coislinianus, reconstruction of Poetics II, and the fragments of the On Poets, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Richard Janko trans., Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis / Cambridge, 1987
ACPR Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Republic, by Robert Mayhew, Rowman & Littlefield, 1997.
ECHU An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, by John Locke (Roger Woolhouse), Penguin Classics, 1689 (1998 reprint)
CUI Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966), Ayn Rand
FNI For the New Intellectual (1961), Ayn Rand
GS Galt's Speech in Atlas Shrugged (1957), Ayn Rand
ITOE Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1979), Ayn Rand
OP The Ominous Parallels (1982), Leonard Peikoff
OPAR Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (1991), Leonard Peikoff 
PWNI Philosophy: Who Needs It (1982), Ayn Rand
RM The Romantic Manifesto (1975), Ayn Rand
VOS The Virtue of Selfishness : A New Concept of Egoism (1964), Ayn Rand

MW Michael Wilkinson